Vadik's scratch programming language compiler

Step 1:

Download this zip file with example code.

Step 2:

Decide which of those 2 buttons you would like to use:

For Pick directory:

Step 3:

Unpack zip file you downloaded.

Step 4:

Click "Pick directory". In the window that appears, find and go into the directory that you got from unpacking. Then press the button that confirms you choice.

Step 5:

In the small window that pops up give it file-reading permissions within that directory.

Step 6:

Click "Compile" button.

Step 7:

In the small window that pops up give it file-writing permissions within that directory.

Step 8:

If compilation succeds, the background will turn green.
Inside that directory, you will find Compiled.sb3 file, which you can open in scratch.

Changing files

If you change vspl files, just click "Compile", wait 1-3 seconds until it finishes and then reopen Compiled.sb3 file in scratch.

For Import zip:

Step 3:

Click "Import zip".

Step 4:

In the window that appears, find and select zip you downloaded.

Step 5:

Click "Compile".

Step 6:

If compilation succeds, the background will turn green.
Depending on your browser settings, the compiled file will either download automatically to Downloads directory or you will be prompted to pick where it should be saved. Then you can open that file in scratch.

Changing files

If you change vspl files, you should reselect zip archive with them, click "Compile", wait 1-3 seconds until it finishes, then depending on your browser settings, the compiled file will either download automatically to Downloads directory or you will be prompted to pick where it should be saved.

Other information

exportList.txt is optional. If it is not present, everything will be exported in Sprite1.

Compiled.sb3 is also optional. If it is not present, you will not be asked about write permissions and it will use the ususal file saving instaed.

If Compiled.sb3 is present, but you decline file write permissions, it will also use the ususal file saving instead.

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Vadik1 on Scratch | Other tools | Source code